Saturday, January 30, 2010

He wanted to know what I was capable of...

The journey to Akhet (the tribe that Kemek's family came from) was not entirely simple. Along the way Jera and Kemek came across a town where a carnivale was being held and decided to stay there for a few days. Murders began to take place in the town as the carnivale went on, and it was eventually discovered that a man by the name of Roderick was responsible.

Roderick had believed that what he was doing was a form of art. He would display the bodies of his victims in poses symbolizing shapes and flowers. When Jera had commented that it looked like art to her, he overheard and took that to mean that she was an artist like him that would appreciate his work.

After bringing her out to a cabin outside of town he wanted to know what she was capable of. He found that out quite well. Just not in the way he anticipated.


Jera sat on the floor in front of the doorway to the room, nearly completely covered in blood. She looked up when Kemek called her name and mismatched eyes focused on him. She didn't say anything for a long moment. She only managed a small smile. "He wanted to know what I could do." The girl replied.

She tilted her head back towards the room and Kemek would then catch sight of Roderick hanging on the door. There was what seemed to be hot pokers from the fireplace that were keeping him against it. One of which was directly through his throat, which would explain the lack of screams overall. There was a criss crossed cut that had tore up his stomach and his eyes and tongue were gone. Despite all of this however the man actually seemed to be barely alive as Kemek may notice by the bubble at his throat and the slight twitch here and there of his fingers.

Jera herself seemed unharmed at first, masked by the blood, but upon a closer look her hands were pretty damn badly burned up to the elbow and she had some cuts and bruises as well.

Kemek hesitated when he saw the body, staring at the blood for a long moment before looking to Jera, "Are you okay?"

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