Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jera Narazu

jera-dressed-up2, originally uploaded by Damaged_Illusions.

Jera Narazu was born with rather strong psionic abilities. Something that became both a curse and an advantage throughout her life. She is horribly unstable, borderline psychotic at times, manipulative and a complete sadomasochist. She doesn't lie but sometimes the truth is worse then a lie.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

He wanted to know what I was capable of...

The journey to Akhet (the tribe that Kemek's family came from) was not entirely simple. Along the way Jera and Kemek came across a town where a carnivale was being held and decided to stay there for a few days. Murders began to take place in the town as the carnivale went on, and it was eventually discovered that a man by the name of Roderick was responsible.

Roderick had believed that what he was doing was a form of art. He would display the bodies of his victims in poses symbolizing shapes and flowers. When Jera had commented that it looked like art to her, he overheard and took that to mean that she was an artist like him that would appreciate his work.

After bringing her out to a cabin outside of town he wanted to know what she was capable of. He found that out quite well. Just not in the way he anticipated.


Jera sat on the floor in front of the doorway to the room, nearly completely covered in blood. She looked up when Kemek called her name and mismatched eyes focused on him. She didn't say anything for a long moment. She only managed a small smile. "He wanted to know what I could do." The girl replied.

She tilted her head back towards the room and Kemek would then catch sight of Roderick hanging on the door. There was what seemed to be hot pokers from the fireplace that were keeping him against it. One of which was directly through his throat, which would explain the lack of screams overall. There was a criss crossed cut that had tore up his stomach and his eyes and tongue were gone. Despite all of this however the man actually seemed to be barely alive as Kemek may notice by the bubble at his throat and the slight twitch here and there of his fingers.

Jera herself seemed unharmed at first, masked by the blood, but upon a closer look her hands were pretty damn badly burned up to the elbow and she had some cuts and bruises as well.

Kemek hesitated when he saw the body, staring at the blood for a long moment before looking to Jera, "Are you okay?"


jera-kem-sveva-color, originally uploaded by Damaged_Illusions.

Kemek Atheianes and Jera Narazu. A rather unlikely couple. A good paladin and a borderline evil psion. To put it mildly their relationship is anything but normal and consists of a lot of manipulation and mind games. As well as the occasional torture methods. Jera can be downright insane during her bad days.

Despite all of that, the one thing they do have in common is that they love their daughter, Sveva Reilly Atheianes. Born January 1st.

Even if the only reason that the baby exists is because Jera got it in her head that she owed Kemek a child since she had stolen his son years before. And then made a deal with him that he would allow her to manipulate his mind to make him forget her past (thus allowing this "dream" self of his to love her and want to marry her) and she would kill herself once the baby is born.


"Good morning, love. I think someone here would like to meet you." She brushed her fingers over his cheek and pushed his hair back from his face. "Isn't she beautiful? You see, we were right that she would be. Our little darling." Jera shifted slightly so he could get a better view of the bundled up sleeping baby. This was only her first day so she didn't really wake up unless she was hungry. "You look awful, but I doubt she'd remember the first impression anyway." Jera smiled.

Kem propped himself up on his elbow to see the baby in Jera's arms. He raised a hand to move back a fold of the blankets and lightly rubbed his thumb against the girl's soft cheek "She's beautiful." He shifted his position in the bed to sit up fully, "Can I hold her?"

"Of course you can, she's your daughter." Once Kemek sat up, Jera shiftted the baby in her arms and handed her over to the paladin. "She has green eyes. Like you, but lighter. Can't much tell with the hair yet. Everyone's been saying how pretty she is. Really does look like the both of us." She pulled her feet up under her, sitting beside the man. Once Kemek had the baby in his arms she pulled back the blanket from Sveva's head so he could see her better.

Kem carefully cradled the girl in his arms as though she were made of glass. He smiled down at her, running a hand over her head. "Hey you." He whispered softly, tipping his head down to kiss her forehead. "I can't believe she's finally here."

"Me neither. I've gotten so used to her being a part of me. And now she's her own little person. And she's here. And we're here. We made it." Mismatched eyes briefly darted to the window where she could see the bright sunlight and the sand from the beach. She turned back to Kemek and Sveva and lightly brushed her fingers over the little girl's head. "I'm glad that we have her. I don't regret this at all."

Kem shook his head, "It was worth it." He exhaled a slow breath, studying the baby's features. "Thank you."

"What for?" Jera looked over at Kemek. Sveva remained asleep, since she had just fed prior to her bath. The little girl was indeed pretty. She had a mix of their features, Jera's nose, Kemek's eyes. Her skin was a few shades darker then Jera's though she was still lighter then Kemek and the other's in the tribe since Jera had been so pale. It was still too early to tell what her hair color was.


So I've jumped on the bandwagon

And I've decided to create a blog just like everyone else. Mainly because this will make it simpler for me to upload and display my art as lately I've been slacking off and just uploading it to flickr. This will also allow me to add in writings and descriptions in more details.

So that's about all I have to say in terms of an introduction. Most people who see this probably know me already. For those that don't, my name is Amey. I'm a 25 year old girl from New York. I'm a total nerd and big into steampunk, renaissance festivals, gaming, WoW and of course roleplaying. Most of my art comes from plots and scenes from my games.

That is all for today!